Vitamins And Minerals Toxicity Levels

Vitamins and Minerals all have a toxicity level, you should know their levels of toxicity before taking them over the recommended daily allowance. While vitamins and minerals will improve your heath, taking them in to toxic levels will have the opposite effect on your body.

Vitamins that stay in your body for short periods of time, being about two to four days are called the water soluble vitamins. The B complex vitamins and vitamin C belong to this group of water soluble vitamins. Water soluble vitamins start being utilized by the body from the minute they are absorbed through your intestines and must be replenished on a regular basis. Since the water soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, they are quickly excreted from the body, so toxicities are rare.

Fat soluble vitamins on the other hand tend to stay in your body for longer periods of time. Vitamins A, D, E, K, fall into this group. They are usually stored in the fatty tissue and may also be stored in the organs, especially your liver. With these fat soluble vitamins you can have toxicity problems, but only when you take in very large doses.

Minerals also are split into two groups, the macro or the bulk minerals and the micro or the trace minerals. The Macro minerals are needed in your body in larger amounts than the micro minerals. The macro minerals group includes calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, while the micro minerals group includes zinc, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, iodine, potassium. Minerals are stored in various parts of the body primarily in your bones and your muscle tissue. With this group of minerals it is possible to overdose on minerals if you take in extremely large doses, so know your correct doses.

However, there is no vitamins or minerals that is as toxic as most of the drugs you can buy over the counter, this includes aspirin. In order to reach toxicity levels with vitamins and minerals, you must actually go out of your way to abuse these supplements by taking in very amounts, usually for a prolonged period of time. If you are not sure on the levels of vitamins and minerals you should be taking, all you need to do is ask your doctor what the safe levels for you should be.

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How To Recuperate From Exercise Fast

Most people who train with weights or exercise, want to know how to recuperate from exercise fast. One of the main reasons people fail to continue exercising is the long recuperation after exercise, or to be blunt, the recuperation pain! For most people, normal recuperation takes about 48 to 72 hours to get you back to normal again. There are however some tips and strategies to speed up your recuperation and even lessen the sore muscle pains.

If you just exercise and really do not take in good amounts of water, good food, electrolytes, vitamins and minerals after, your recuperation times will much longer. Your body gets broken down while weight training or exercising and must start to re-build right after you are done. So lets assume you have just finished a weight training session, here is a guide line to follow right after for very fast recuperation times. Take about 10-15 minutes between each step.

  1. In 2 cups water, combine powdered electrolytes and some BCAA’s (Branched Chain Amino Acids) plus some Vitamin C.
  2. Drink a protein drink such as whey protein or a glass or 2 of milk.
  3. Have a cup of coffee, this helps to speed things up, reduces muscle pain, helps pull in carbs into the muscles which hold water, which helps to speed recuperation.
  4. Time to eat! Have a meal with protein, carbs, vegetables.
  5. Stretch area’s you hit during training, then either sit back and relax or sit in a warm bath and relax. If in the bath add some Epsom Salts to your bath, good for your muscles aches and pains.
  6. Make sure you get a good night sleep.

Of course if you are a serious weight trainer you will need much more protein, carbs and so on about every 2 hours. If you are just doing a regular exercise routine that is more mild and not high impact, you do not need to do as much.

Here are some tips that you should do after a workout, as doing these will actually slow down your recuperation times.

  1. Drinking Alcohol.
  2. Smoking (includes recreational drugs).
  3. Being stressed out.
  4. Being to active not resting enough.

If you are serious about reducing your recuperation times, it would be wise to follow these steps. Of course there are other tips or strategies that can also help speed up recuperation as stretching your muscles, but these are easiest and fastest to apply.


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Beer Health Benefits

Beer health benefits as with all alcohol, whether it is beer, wine, or liquor, is known to reduce heart disease. This of course would be drinking alcohol in moderation, if consumed in heavy amounts will not give the health benefits. Moderate consumption of alcohol does make the blood less sticky and less likely to clot. Alcohol can increase the good cholesterol, lower the bad and lower your blood pressure. Looking at a Harvard study of 70,000 or so women who consumed beer had a lower blood pressure than the women who consumed wine or hard alcohol.

Alcohol can be hard on your kidneys, but in some cases beer can reduce your risk of kidney stones. The hops in the beer not only help slow the release of calcium from the bones, therefore reduce kidney stones and beer has a high water content which helps clear out the kidneys, which is not a good pure water, but, good for an alcohol beverage.

Beer also has a good source of many nutrients such as, B vitamins like niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, riboflavin, B6 and B12. Beer is also rich in silicon, a nutrient that is also good for bone strength.

What else is drinking beer good for? A study of 38,000 men that drank one to two beers daily, showed a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes by about 25%. When the men drank more than one to two beers daily, there was no increased benefit at all. Researchers also found that drinking one to two beers a day may stave off Alzheimer’s and reduce your risk of stroke by thinning the blood and preventing blood clots from traveling to the brain.

So if you love to drink beer, at least it is good to know there are in fact some health benefits, so as long as you only drink one to two beers daily and no more. If you drink more than one to two beers daily your health benefits decline, tipping the scale towards no health benefits, to possible health problems. Drink your beer, but remember, moderation is the key!

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Brush Your Teeth For Lower Risk Of Heart Attack

Did you now that by brushing your teeth regularly can help protect you from heart attacks? It is true, researchers have found a link between your mouth care or none brushing of your teeth and heart disease. Now that this news is out, you need to brush your teeth on a regular basis as part of your total health and well being routine.

Your mouths oral cavity contains some varied and most vast flora in the entire human body, which is also a main entrance for two systems vital to our human function the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems. Several diseases do involve these two systems, one being a specific pathologic condition as periodontitis bacteria, which is inflammation of the periodontal attachment of your teeth and alveolar bone.These conditions in the oral cavity can create foci of infection that can affect other vital systems, like your cardiovascular and renal systems. Poor dental hygiene, including bleeding of the gums, can allow hundreds of types of different bacteria to enter your bloodstream. Brushing and flossing your teeth has now been found to help fight bacteria in the mouth that could lead to actual hardening of your arteries (the narrowing of arteries through build-up of plaque), which as you know lead to heart attacks and even strokes. It is believed that the bacteria buildup in the mouth can cause clots in your arteries which can eventually lead to a heart attack.

This potential health link between what goes on inside your mouth and the health of your heart has been the topic of debate for some time now. The research now clearly shows, the more you improve and maintain your dental and gum health, the less chance there is of developing a life threatening disease.

It is also advised to replace your toothbrush at least every 3 months as bacteria could be present on the brush, which can be transferred to you! Your dental care and health can only be done by you, it really is part of your general health maintenance.



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BCAA’s Boost Muscle Size And Testosterone

BCAA’s or branched chain amino acids are grouped in with the most beneficial, most effective supplements in any sports nutritional program. The essential BCAA’s leucine, isoleucine, and valine are of high importance for all athletes, as they are metabolized in the muscles, not in the liver. All the other amino acids are regulated by the gut and liver then circulated in the body. BCAA’s essentially are protein that is used as “fuel” and when the stores of BCAA’s have been depleted, the body catabolizes the lean muscle to get more energy. Keep your BCAA’s high, the body will not eat your lean muscle, thus allowing you to have continued muscle growth, keeping the body in an anabolic state.

BCAA’s Benefits:

  • BCAA supplementation lowers lactate levels after exercise or weight training.
  • BCAAs may increase growth hormone (GH) circulation, as seen in studies. (De Palo EF et al 2001).
  • BCAA supplementation has shown a decrease serum concentrations of the enzymes creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase which will decrease muscle damage and help recovery (Coombes JS, McNaughton LR 2000).

BCAAs also have shown to offer powerful effects in increasing testosterone levels and decreasing cortisol levels (Cortisol is an enemy to muscular development) Ball State University.Testosterone levels during intense workouts jumped nearly 50% above normal with BCAA supplementation. These effects alone can keep you in a positive muscle building zone, while helping to decrease fat.

Consume 2.5g (1/2 tsp) or equivalent capsule dosage of  BCAA’s 15 minutes before and directly after exercise or weight training, along with some electrolytes (take dosage according to directions on product is best). BCAA’s in capsule form are very easy to take, but in the powdered form will not mix easily in fluid. A simple method that is used to take in powdered form, is to put the powder directly in your mouth and wash it down with fluid.

BCAA Content Of Food Sources (grams of amino acids/100 grams of protein)

  • Whey protein isolate is 26% BCAA’s (best)
  • Milk protein is 21% BCAA’s (Good)
  • Muscle protein is 18% BCAA’s
  • Soy protein isolate is 18% BCAA’s

As you can clearly see, it most certainly is a smart choice to add some BCAA’s supplements to your workout program, especially if you are looking for boosting muscle size and testosterone levels.


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Taurine Amino Acid Improves Workouts

It certainly may be worth taking Taurine to improve your workouts and your recuperation. Taurine is now considered the second most abundant amino acid in our bodies, the first most abundant being Glutamine. When you workout or put your body through demanding physical exertion, your bodies Taurine supply is used up very fast, so it make perfect sense that we need to take in some extra taurine, before and after exercise. By taking in extra taurine your body can also recuperate faster and will help keep the muscle you already have, it may also even increase your testosterone a little.

I have personally found that taking about 2-5 grams before and right after my workout is very helpful in adding strength, more energy, better focus and faster recuperation. I always seem to get a small strength gain during my workouts if I take taurine and seem to focus a little better than if I didn’t take the taurine at all. Some people report if they take to much taurine at once, it makes then sleepy, so you need to experiment with dosages to find what is right for you and your body. How to take taurine is simple, you can simply add taurine to any pre workout drink such as Gatorade, Cytomax, or if you wish, just take it alone with water.

Taurine is still very cheap and a small bottle will last a long time and is a worthwhile supplement to take. Taurine will not produce miracle muscle growth, but does work slowly and steadily to keep increasing strength and faster recuperation, which over time will be well worth the effort. Give Taurine a try and see if it is for you or not, if you do not like it, you really did not lose much money at all, but fortunately most that try it and stick with it swear by the results!

Fact! Most people who workout that are trying to gain more lean muscle, are now adding taurine daily to their daily supplement intake/stack as it does definitely help.


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Choline Inositol Health Benefits

Choline and Inositol are considered both members of the B-complex of vitamins and can give you some great health benefits. Both work together to form lecithin in your body, which is needed for healthy membranes in all living cells in the body. Some great health benefits obtained are better Increased memory function, a calming effect on the central nervous system, possible cancer prevention, better heart health, better muscle tone, better hair growth. Also inositol might play a role in preventing hair loss and general baldness, reduce anxiety, help with insomnia and possible even prevent dementia.

Choline and inositol are very important nutrients for your brain development. Choline is responsible for memory function and learning. Studies show that choline can improve your memory and may prevent dementia and age-related memory loss diseases as Alzheimer’s.

Several studies have shown that women with a high intake of choline have a much lower risk of developing breast cancer. Researchers found that phytic acid, a plant source of inositol, actually has anti-cancer properties which could explain why high-fiber, vegetable rich diets are good at preventing cancer.

Both choline and inositol play a big role in our bodies heart health. Choline can lower levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which is a marker of tissue damage and is recognized as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Higher intakes of choline is also recognized as reduced levels of chronic inflammation, a factor in heart disease. Inositol helps reduce your blood cholesterol levels and helps synthesize phospholipids, which helps your body to better utilize fat. Inositol also helps to prevent the oxidation of low density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is a factor of hardening of the arteries.

Choline and inositol can be taken in combination together or individually. They do seem to function better when taken together and is recommended to do so. Choline food sources include egg yolk, lentils soy, nuts, organ meats, cauliflower, oats and flax seeds. Inositol food sources include brown rice, beans, peas, beef brain, heart, raisins, grapefruit and blackstrap molasses.

Bodybuilders or any person who exercises and wants to help burn off more body fat, or to just help lose weight, will also benefit from supplementing your diet with Choline and Inositol.

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Chia Seeds A Nutritional Powerhouse

Chia seeds are an ancient food with a powerhouse of nutrition to better your health. Chia seeds have a very mild taste and the seeds can be added to a variety of meals to boost nutrition. Many people sprinkle these seeds them on their yogurt or salads, even adding them to smoothies or juices.

According to Dr. Coates, professor emeritus in arid lands studies at the University of Arizona, who has a PhD in agricultural engineering, says Chia seeds are loaded with vitamins and minerals and have an excellent source of fibre and protein, very good health benefits. Very rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Daily consumption of chia seeds may help reduce joint pain, aid in body weight loss, deliver an energy boost and may protect against serious ailments as diabetes and heart disease.

Chia seeds are gluten free, which also makes them very appealing to people with celiac disease or an aversion to gluten. These seeds pack a big bang for your buck!

Chia seeds really have some remarkable characteristics and can be enjoyed by everyone. Athletes love these seeds as they have a unique property or ability to hold up to 12 times their weight in water. Soaking for 30 minutes, Chia seeds will form a gel like substance. This gel reaction also occurs in the stomach, forming a barrier which means carbohydrates are now broken down slowly. This is why the seeds are popular among endurance athletes and diabetics, who want a slow release energy source. Give these little healthy seeds a try, you will love them!


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Epsom Salt Health Benefits

Epsom salt, is not actually a salt but a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Epsom salt benefits has long been known as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, as well as many beauty, household and gardening related uses.

ManyStudies have shown that magnesium and sulfate are both highly absorbed through our skin, making Epsom salt baths an easy way to receive the amazing health benefits. Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body which include regulating the activity of about 325 enzymes, also reducing inflammation, helping muscle and nerve function, and also helping prevent artery hardening. The sulfates help the absorption of nutrients and flush out toxins, also may help ease or prevent migraine headaches.

Epsom salts has beneficial properties that can soothe the body in a very beneficial manner. Some of the many health benefits include:

  • It relaxes the nervous system.
  • Can cure skin problems.
  • Helps ease back pain and aching limbs.
  • Helps to easing muscle soreness and strain.
  • Helps draw out bad toxins from the body.

One of the simplest most effective ways to ease stress is to soak in a bath full of hot water with a few cups of Epsom salts added. The health experts believe that bathing with Epsom salts three times a week will help you look better and feel better, also to gain more energy, improve sleep, helps prevent hardening of arteries and blood clots, flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells . Athletes uses Epsom salt baths to relieve pain inflammation and muscle cramps due to exercise, weight training etc.

Try soaking your aching, tired or smelly feet in a hot or warm bath with 1-2 cups Epsom salts, it will soften your skin, remove dead skin, even neutralize foot odor.

How To Remove foot odor – Mix 1-2 cups of Epsom salt in warm water and then soak your feet for 10-20 minutes to remove bad odor, help achy feet and soften your rough skin on feet.

Epsom Salt Is A Great Fertilizer For House Plants

Plants need nutrients such as magnesium and sulfur to be in good health. Epsom salt has the primary nutrients needed, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Just Sprinkle (or mix with water) on some Epsom salt once a week to keep your house plants, flowers and vegetables healthy.

Epsom Salt Will Keep Your Lawn Green – Epsom salt contains Magnesium sulfate crystals and when added to the soil, will give the vital nutrients that help prevent yellowing of leaves and the loss of green color in  your grass  Just add about 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts to about 1 gallon of water, then sprinkle on your lawn every 3 day or so to keep your lawn healthy and green. Also gets rid of plant pests in a very safe effective manner.

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Whole Wheat Not Really a Healthy Food

Here’s a known fact that is covered up by the massive marketing campaigns by food companies, that want you to believe that “whole wheat” is actually healthy for you, when whole wheat is not really a healthy food. The truth is, wheat contains a highly unusual type of carbohydrate that is not found in other foods, it’s called Amylopectin-A, which has been found in some tests to actually spike your blood sugar levels even higher than pure table sugar. This is why whole wheat is really not as healthy as once believed.

Before I explain to you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let’s look at some simple biochemistry inside your body…
This deals with “glycation” inside your body and other substances Advanced Glycation End Products.  These are nasty little compounds called AGEs that speed up the aging process inside your body, including damage to your organs and your joints over time, including getting wrinkled skin.

Due to biochemical reactions inside the body that occur with every type of food you eat, some of these foods age you much faster, while other foods help to fight the aging process. If you eat the wrong foods on a regular basis, you will look and feel 10 or more years older than you really are. Eat the right foods, and you can start to look 5-10 years younger than you really are. Eating whole wheat products is one of these foods that can potentially age you much faster!

This means that wheat based foods/products such as common breads, bagels, muffins, cereals and other baked goods often cause a much higher blood sugar level than most other carbohydrates. The higher your average blood sugar levels are over time, the more of these AGEs are formed inside your body, which then directly makes you age faster than normal. True fact! amylopectin-A (from wheat) can raise your blood sugar level higher than almost any other carbohydrate source on earth, this is based on blood sugar response testings. Three processes that go on inside your body that have this huge impact on your rate of aging are called glycation, inflammation and oxidation.

You’ve most likely heard about the potential health-damaging effects of gluten which is also found in wheat and is yet another reason to reduce or eliminate wheat-based foods from your daily diet. Baked wheat products also contain nasty carcinogenic chemicals called acrylamides that form in the browned area’s of breads, cereals, muffins.  These nasty carcinogenic acrylamides have been linked to possible increased risk of cancer and accelerated aging which of course we all would like to avoid. Now You have a more truthful understanding of wheat and the potential damaging effects it can have on our bodies.

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