Vitamins And Minerals Toxicity Levels

Vitamins and Minerals all have a toxicity level, you should know their levels of toxicity before taking them over the recommended daily allowance. While vitamins and minerals will improve your heath, taking them in to toxic levels will have the opposite effect on your body.

Vitamins that stay in your body for short periods of time, being about two to four days are called the water soluble vitamins. The B complex vitamins and vitamin C belong to this group of water soluble vitamins. Water soluble vitamins start being utilized by the body from the minute they are absorbed through your intestines and must be replenished on a regular basis. Since the water soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, they are quickly excreted from the body, so toxicities are rare.

Fat soluble vitamins on the other hand tend to stay in your body for longer periods of time. Vitamins A, D, E, K, fall into this group. They are usually stored in the fatty tissue and may also be stored in the organs, especially your liver. With these fat soluble vitamins you can have toxicity problems, but only when you take in very large doses.

Minerals also are split into two groups, the macro or the bulk minerals and the micro or the trace minerals. The Macro minerals are needed in your body in larger amounts than the micro minerals. The macro minerals group includes calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, while the micro minerals group includes zinc, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, iodine, potassium. Minerals are stored in various parts of the body primarily in your bones and your muscle tissue. With this group of minerals it is possible to overdose on minerals if you take in extremely large doses, so know your correct doses.

However, there is no vitamins or minerals that is as toxic as most of the drugs you can buy over the counter, this includes aspirin. In order to reach toxicity levels with vitamins and minerals, you must actually go out of your way to abuse these supplements by taking in very amounts, usually for a prolonged period of time. If you are not sure on the levels of vitamins and minerals you should be taking, all you need to do is ask your doctor what the safe levels for you should be.

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How To Stay Young Take Your Antioxidants!

Our bodies are under severe attack daily from a powerful enemy called free radicals, if left un-checked by taking Antioxidants you will age much faster! Leaving free radicals to run free un-checked in the body, they will kill and age our human bodies very fast. So how do we fight against this free radial attack? All we have to do is arm our selves with an abundance of stay young Antioxidants and the free radicals will cause much less harm. First off you have to understand where free radicals are come from, as these nasty buggers come from many sources. Free radicals are released by the bad foods that most of us eat on a daily basis like trans fats, even regular fats, actually all types of fats will cause free radical damage. Pollution is another huge source of free radicals and it is getting worse the world over each and every year. If you go back about 25 years ago, there was way less pollution than now, so our body needs much more antioxidants to fight the increase.

Another very deadly source of free radicals which affects many people world-wide is smoking. All smoking is bad! Cigarettes, fake cigarettes, cigars, marijuana, or any type of smoke inhaled is a massive source of bad free radicals that will age you very fast. This is why so many people are actually dying younger, they get addicted to various drugs and smoke more and more until they get cancer, or have a heart, it is now too late, the serious damage has been done to you. Also take note, anything that interferer’s or blocks your antioxidant levels in the body such as certain prescription drugs or medication will work against you to actually increase your aging process.

Lets look at some of our more powerful sources of Antioxidants that we can take to fight back against these body destroying free radicals. One excellent source of antioxidants is orange and green fresh vegetables and all fruits such as oranges, apples, bananas, berries, kiwi, plums, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, prunes and so on. Also lets not forget 100% pure vegetable and fruit  juices which are super sources of antioxidants. Food sources of antioxidants are ok , but we can also get huge sources of antioxidants from supplements. Some of the best or most potent supplements that fight free radical damage are, Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Natural Vitamin E, COQ10,  Alpha Lipoic  Acid, Selenium, Green Tea (capsule or tea), Turmeric, Grape Seed, Spirulina, Green Drinks, Chlorophyll, Chlorella, Wheat Grass and yes, even your daily Coffee and Chocolate can help fight free radicals.

You have some excellent knowledge on how to help keep yourself younger and not to age as fast. Taking these Antioxidants also increase your health in other ways as well, so it’s a win win situation. If you want to stay as young looking as possible you must avoid smoking, alcohol which is actually a poison and do not take medication that you really do not need to take. Keeping yourself healthy and slowing down your anti aging is exactly the same as winning a lottery jackpot. Only you can help your own self stay healthy and young, so what are you waiting for the time to start doing this, is Right Now!

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