Coffee High Blood Pressure Risk?

Coffee or actually Caffeine has previously been implicated in an increased risk of high blood pressure, but is this actually true? Recent studies of people consuming 2-3 cups of coffee daily have not confirmed any association with drinking the coffee and an increased blood pressure risk.

There was a 12 year study of 155,000 female nurses who drank daily large amounts of coffee, yet did not show signs of a rise in blood pressure. Previously there were studies done that had already shown statistically insignificant associations between the drinking of coffee and clinical hypertension. The effect of drinking coffee on morbidity and mortality due to its effect on a persons blood pressure is too weak and has not been studied further.

Granted all people are different and may respond to drinking coffee in different ways, but the majority seem to have very few, if any side effects from drinking coffee on a daily basis. If you are a person who already has hypertension, you may want to check with your doctor before consuming coffee on a daily basis. I would also like to point out if you add all sorts of cream and toppings to your coffee, not only will you most likely gain weight, but have a better chance of getting high blood pressure. It really is best to drink your coffee black. Some people love black coffee, some hate it! I was a person who hated black coffee until I forced myself to drink it, now I love black coffee and would never go back.

I was also diagnosed with high blood pressure before I started drinking coffee on a daily basis. I found out my high blood pressure was actually caused my weight training far to hard and frequently. Once I learnt to not over train with weights, my blood pressure went back to normal and continued to stay in the normal range, even after I started drinking 2-3 cups of coffee daily. So there is really nothing to worry about if you are in normal health, sit back and enjoy a cup or two of coffee and enjoy life.

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Drinking Coffee May Help You Live Longer

Coffee drinkers at times get a bad rep as some people believe coffee is not good for you, did you know drinking coffee may help you live longer? Most coffee drinkers are using it for a quick energy pick up, not even realizing coffee may also be extending their life span.

New studies and research suggests that drinking your daily coffee, even in larger amounts, might help you live longer. Of course there is always an exception as some people should not be drinking coffee at all due to health problems or even being allergic. If you fall into this category please get advice from your doctor before consuming coffee.

Coffee drinkers were observed in a study, which showed slightly lower death rates than non-coffee drinkers over a period of time, whether their java of choice had caffeine in it or was decaf.

The findings do not prove 100% that coffee will protect us and allow us to live longer, but it does strongly show that drinking coffee in larger amounts is not harmful if you are in good health. Women who drank two to three cups of coffee per day had a 18% reduction in death rates from all causes, while the women who drank four to five cups of coffee per day had a whopping 26% reduction in death rate or risk. It seems the risk reduction is better for women than for men.

The evidence showing health benefits for coffee drinkers continues to grow with many studies revealing regular coffee consumption linked to decreased risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and colon cancer.

There are some studies that suggest drinking caffeinated coffee is associated with an increased risk for heart attacks and stroke, but only in people who already have heart disease. The American Heart Association concludes the research linking coffee/caffeine to health risks is still a conflicting issue. The association also concludes that moderate intake for coffee consumption, such as one to two 8oz cups per day, does not seem to have any harmful effects.

In another study to help clarify the issue about coffee drinking, Lopez-Garcia along with colleagues from the University of Madrid and Harvard University analyzed the data from about 84,000 women who participated in Harvard’s Nurse’s Health Study and about 41,000 men who participated in the companion study involving male health professionals. None of these participants had any form of cancer or heart disease at the time of enrollment and all completed dietary and health questionnaires every two to four years which included questions about their coffee consumption and other dietary habits, such as smoking.

During the 18 years of follow up for the men and 24 years of follow up in for the women, approximately 4,500 deaths from heart disease and 7,500 deaths from cancer occurred. Also an additional 6,000 deaths were from other causes. After all the data was in including other risk factors such as body weight, diet, smoking and disease status, the researchers concluded that people who drank coffee were less likely to die and that the risk reduction was from a lower risk of death from heart disease. of course this deserves further studies.

To sum things up, if you are a moderate coffee drinkers and in good health you may get life extending benefits from your daily coffee consumption which is certainly good news!

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Drinking Coffee For Real Health Benefits

Most people drink coffee as they love the taste and the added pick-up from the caffeine, they do not know coffee has some real health benefits as well. If you love to drink your coffee daily, you should at least know about some excellent health benefits your are getting from your daily dose of java!

Coffee Antioxidant Boosting: Caffeinated coffee and decaffeinated coffee both contain an antioxidant called trigonelline. Antioxidants are just chemical compounds that fight free radicals in your body, which if allowed to get out of control, will attack your body and cause serious disease like cancer. Through chemical analysis we can see that freshly brewed coffee contains about the same amount of antioxidants as three fresh medium sized oranges.

Coffee Helps Prevent Cavities: While it is a known fact that coffee can stain your teeth, did you know a cup of coffee made from roasted coffee beans, also has antibacterial fighting activities against certain microorganisms as Streptococcus mutans, which is a major cause of dental cavities? It’s true!

Coffee A Headache Buster: While many people have complained of caffeine giving them withdrawal headaches, we have many other people who swear by caffeine to actually eliminate migraine headaches. Cafergot is a mixture of ergotamine tartrate and caffeine which is used to treat and or prevent vascular headaches like migraines and cluster headaches.

Coffee For Weight Loss: According to the Harvard School of Public Health located in Boston does not say you will lose weight by drinking coffee, but that you will gain weight by drinking your coffee loaded with cream, whipped cream, chocolate toppings and other tasty additives. If you want to lose weight you should be drinking black coffee which contains caffeine, which is also an appetite suppressant and it may stimulate thermogenesis (body generating heat from digestion of food) and it is also a known diuretic.

Coffee Has Dietary Fiber: Fresh brewed coffee contains a significantly higher level of soluble dietary fiber than other beverages commonly drank, which certainly is helpful.

Coffee Gives Real Energy Boost: The actual caffeine in coffee does not have specific nutritional value, it does however demonstrate some medicinal properties. It’s very helpful in keeping the mind and body alert and action ready. In fact, did you know the International Olympic Committee states caffeine is a very powerful ergogenic agent, meaning it promotes the ability of your muscles to work.

Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Reduced By Coffee Consumption: A control study was done using 54 patients with probable Alzheimer’s Disease fulfilling the National Institute of Neurological Communicative Disorders and Stroke showed that caffeine intake was associated with a significantly lower risk for AD which is another plus for drinking your daily java.

Coffee Reduces Risk Of Diabetes: In a study combined with statistical data from many other studies, researchers found that people who were drinking four to six cups of coffee per day had a 28 percent reduced risk of getting Diabetes compared with people who drank two or less cups daily. Also, those who drank more than six cups of coffee daily had a whopping 35 percent risk reduction.


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Detox Your Body For Health

To stay healthy we all need to detox or bodies, why not do it in the spring, It is the perfect time to do a body detox. After we’ve been breathing in the bad poor indoor air quality and perhaps gotten less activity and not eating very good all year, it’s now time to get healthy. Detoxifying is the best antidote and can give you increased energy and super health. It also may reduce allergy symptoms, reduce hormonal imbalances, improve your digestion, clear your sinuses, normalize your blood pressure, reduce moods  swings, give sharper mental focus, improved sleep patterns, healthier glowing skin, plus much more!  Here are great tips to get you started on a healing spring body detox for men’s health and women’s health:

1. Eliminate meat and dairy products for a while to give your body a much needed break. Meat is highly acid-forming and is bad for the body. It can give you a strain on your kidneys and intestines and of course dairy is highly mucus-forming and many people do lack the enzymes to properly digest it.

2. Do not eat it if you cannot pronounce it. Always read the labels on the food selections you choose. Most are full of harmful preservatives, synthetic flavors and other artificial ingredients that usually have long complex names. Don’t buy these type of food products and definitely don’t eat them. Just choose fresh foods that come in Nature’s packaging as fruits and vegetables.

3.  Remove fried and high sugar foods from your diet. I probably don’t have to tell you what constitutes “trash foods” fried and sugary foods, processed, prepared and packaged foods all tend to be full of trans fats, sugar and food additives that build up in our bodies and need to be cleaned out.

4. Up Your Vegetables. Try to have vegetables 50% of every meal. You can enjoy a fresh vegetable juice to get your 50%. Add in a large green tossed salad or a plate of steamed veggies and your good to go!

5. Take your daily vitamins. We all need to take a daily multivitamin supplement to keep our health and immune system works good.

6. Try using herbs to give your body a boost of health. Milk thistle is an herb that is a proven liver re-generator and detoxifier. Dandelion herb and uva ursi are well-established kidney health restoring herbs.

7. Use hot baths to cleanse. On its own hot baths are relaxing, but to help the cleansing effects, you just need to add a cup of Epsom salts or baking soda to your bath water. Both of these will alkalize the water to help neutralize acidic toxins. Epsom salts will help your body muscles to relax a stress reliever.

8.  Drink at least 8 cups of pure water daily. This helps to flush out all the toxins. For a really great detoxifying drink, add fresh lemon juice to a large glass of water first thing in the morning. Lemons help alkalize your body and contain more than 20 anti-cancer compounds and also help cleanse your liver, kidneys and colon which is always a good thing.

9. Add more daily fiber. You need more fiber in your your diet daily, to boost your cleansing efforts.

10. Exercise two to three times weekly. Exercise will improve your circulation, which brings fresh oxygenated blood to your organs and tissues and helps to speed up body cleansing process, just do not over exercise.

These very easy and simple daily changes to your diet and lifestyle will help you detox your body and put you on the right track to a healthier you!


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Safe Bathroom Deodorizers – Essential Oils

Bathroom smells can get pretty bad, you need to use a safe bathroom deodorizer as Essential Oils to prevent future health problems. If you are still using the choke inducing chemical smell deodorizers such as spray air fresheners, it’s time to change! Seriously most store bought bathroom air fresheners can leave you gasping for air and can be very bad for you and your families health. For safe bathroom deodorizing you must use natural, non-toxic deodorizers which are actually better at masking the bad smells to begin with. They’re also friendlier to people that are allergic or very sensitive to synthetic perfumes and air fresheners.

If you have very persistent bad smells in your bathroom which are not related to going to the bathroom, you may have a plumbing problem and will need to call in a plumber.   Bathroom smells can be attributed to plumbing pipe leaks or drain seals leaking. Bathroom deodorizers are not a substitute for keeping your bathroom plumbing in good working order. You can have a HVAC contractor install a proper vent fan in your bathroom which is beneficial as a vent fan can pull out routine bathroom smells and also can prevent mold and mildew growth, which has its own very nasty smell.

A very simple free way to deodorize your bathroom is to open the window  sometimes this will work in place of using a bathroom air freshener all together. If you want to use a safe bathroom deodorizer, here are a few suggestions below.

Water with essential oil in a plug-in: Your standard plug-in air fresheners are filled with chemical perfumes and can harm your health, water with essential oil will not harm your health. You can make this yourself simply empty out, wash, then dry the bulb from a store bought plug-in air freshener. Then fill with water and add a few drops of essential oil.

Add some essential oil drops to cedar chips to make your own potpourri: Cedar  chips are very aromatic on their own. To kick them up a little, just add a couple drops of an essential oil such as lemon or lavender to the cedar chips, then place in a bowl or cheesecloth sachet in your bathroom.

Add some essential oil drops to the inside of a cardboard toilet paper roll tube: Your toilet paper tube itself can become an air freshener. Add a few drops of a nice-smelling essential  oil to the inside of a toilet paper roll tube.

Mason jar of baking soda: Baking soda as a deodorizer on its own is very good as it pull bad odors out of the air. Here’s a clever baking soda and essential oil air freshener you can make using mason jars. Put some baking soda and a few drops of a nice  fragrant essential oil into a small Mason jar with a ring lid. Instead of using the metal plate that goes inside the ring of the mason jar lid, use some perforated craft paper which will allow the scent to diffuse through.

These are some very easy but safe, alternatives over using standard store bought bathroom air fresheners or deodorizers, which actually work better and are not heath hazards!

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Air Fresheners Are Killing You!

There is an seemingly endless bombardment of highly toxic unregulated chemical products that most people use daily such as Clorox wipes, various hand sanitizers and one of the nastiest being air fresheners.  Did you know the long term health risks of being subjected to these products usually become much worse than any infection you will ever have in your life time.

Most people just assume that these very popular products go through a meticulous safety testing before actually being placed on your local store shelves, but this is simply not the case.  The cleaning industry is almost self regulated and has no real regulations which must be followed.  The chemical companies do not have to go through any authoritative channels before they release their latest air freshener or cleaning wipes. The truth is, it took months for the F.D.A. to recognize and put out a warning for people that a major hand sanitizing product contained living bacteria harmful to the people who use it.

Most people generally never look at an air freshener product as being harmful, as it is so nice looking and innocent, it’s just a nice product to make the area smell great. Seriously, do not be fooled into thinking that the great smelling air freshener is safe just because the product has now been placed on your local retailer’s shelves, you would be dead wrong! Most all Air fresheners sold contain a very harmful chemical called benzene, plus others and when inhaled over time will cause you major health problems such as Cancer, Asthma, Migraine Headaches, Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and more.

It is now known that these toxic chemicals that are emitted from air fresheners especially when it hot out, will accumulate in the fatty tissues over time and the danger increases as they continue to build up inside your body, resulting in many forms of health problems. Air fresheners are everywhere these days, in your vehicles, in your home, at the gym, and so on. You are breathing in these dangerous chemicals daily, then we add smoking, drinking alcohol, different drugs, perfumes, daily pollution from factories, vehicles etc. Do you see why we are getting more and more cancers? You need to make changes for the better, for your health and your families health, starting today! Eliminate the bad air fresheners, this is very easy to do. You can replace them with natural air freshener products found at most health food stores, these are much safer for your health and in most cases work even better than the bad air fresheners, use them!

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How To Really Stop Smoking!

If your reading this article you must want to really stop smoking, keep reading we can help. We will give you straight up advice on how to stop smoking. We have seen it done more than a few times with many people and it works!

There are NO magic spells or gimmicks that will work to stop you from smoking. The only way to stop smoking is you just must do it. Most people who want to stop smoking, will look for a crutch to lean on. They do this to seemingly help them, but it always turns out the same. You usually Fail! There are tons of stop smoking products or gimmicks out there. People are getting rich off of smokers trying to quit. Do these stop smoking products ever really work? We investigated and it turns out only 1 out of every 10 people will actually stop smoking do to trying a gimmick. So not very good odds is it?

You are in control of you get it! You started smoking and most likely hated it at first. Yet continued for whatever reason until you were addicted right? You started it, you have to end it! You must be an adult and go through a little discomfort until your body flushes out the toxins from smoking. Then the craving to smoke will disappear and you will have won. If you do not put an effort into helping yourself. You will most definitely die from a stroke, heart attack, or cancer and these are not what you want I’m sure. So stop being in a losing battle with your health and fight back!

Reduce The Amount You Smoke Daily By One Cigarette

This is how you should start your battle to stop smoking. You are going to reduce the amount you smoke daily by one cigarette or whatever you smoke. When you get yourself down to 5 cigarettes daily, you will now reduce your cigarettes by one less daily every week until you are smoking only one cigarette daily. You will smoke that one cigarette at the most desired time of day for 2 weeks. So you cut out almost all smoking while your body cleans it’s self out of the toxins. After the two weeks is up you will stop smoking completely!

Soon as you quit smoking completely you are now going to start chew gum as if it was your cigarette replacement. You must stick to it! You also should start taking a multi- Vitamin tablet daily to help your body get healthy again and of course try to eat better. Stick with this program it costs $300 normally if you purchased it, which is ridiculous. Yet it really works and is your best way to quit smoking!

If this program has helped you out, you could send a small donation as a thank you to our PayPal Account, just send your donation to and have a great day!

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