Coffee High Blood Pressure Risk?

Coffee or actually Caffeine has previously been implicated in an increased risk of high blood pressure, but is this actually true? Recent studies of people consuming 2-3 cups of coffee daily have not confirmed any association with drinking the coffee and an increased blood pressure risk.

There was a 12 year study of 155,000 female nurses who drank daily large amounts of coffee, yet did not show signs of a rise in blood pressure. Previously there were studies done that had already shown statistically insignificant associations between the drinking of coffee and clinical hypertension. The effect of drinking coffee on morbidity and mortality due to its effect on a persons blood pressure is too weak and has not been studied further.

Granted all people are different and may respond to drinking coffee in different ways, but the majority seem to have very few, if any side effects from drinking coffee on a daily basis. If you are a person who already has hypertension, you may want to check with your doctor before consuming coffee on a daily basis. I would also like to point out if you add all sorts of cream and toppings to your coffee, not only will you most likely gain weight, but have a better chance of getting high blood pressure. It really is best to drink your coffee black. Some people love black coffee, some hate it! I was a person who hated black coffee until I forced myself to drink it, now I love black coffee and would never go back.

I was also diagnosed with high blood pressure before I started drinking coffee on a daily basis. I found out my high blood pressure was actually caused my weight training far to hard and frequently. Once I learnt to not over train with weights, my blood pressure went back to normal and continued to stay in the normal range, even after I started drinking 2-3 cups of coffee daily. So there is really nothing to worry about if you are in normal health, sit back and enjoy a cup or two of coffee and enjoy life.

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Drinking Coffee For Real Health Benefits

Most people drink coffee as they love the taste and the added pick-up from the caffeine, they do not know coffee has some real health benefits as well. If you love to drink your coffee daily, you should at least know about some excellent health benefits your are getting from your daily dose of java!

Coffee Antioxidant Boosting: Caffeinated coffee and decaffeinated coffee both contain an antioxidant called trigonelline. Antioxidants are just chemical compounds that fight free radicals in your body, which if allowed to get out of control, will attack your body and cause serious disease like cancer. Through chemical analysis we can see that freshly brewed coffee contains about the same amount of antioxidants as three fresh medium sized oranges.

Coffee Helps Prevent Cavities: While it is a known fact that coffee can stain your teeth, did you know a cup of coffee made from roasted coffee beans, also has antibacterial fighting activities against certain microorganisms as Streptococcus mutans, which is a major cause of dental cavities? It’s true!

Coffee A Headache Buster: While many people have complained of caffeine giving them withdrawal headaches, we have many other people who swear by caffeine to actually eliminate migraine headaches. Cafergot is a mixture of ergotamine tartrate and caffeine which is used to treat and or prevent vascular headaches like migraines and cluster headaches.

Coffee For Weight Loss: According to the Harvard School of Public Health located in Boston does not say you will lose weight by drinking coffee, but that you will gain weight by drinking your coffee loaded with cream, whipped cream, chocolate toppings and other tasty additives. If you want to lose weight you should be drinking black coffee which contains caffeine, which is also an appetite suppressant and it may stimulate thermogenesis (body generating heat from digestion of food) and it is also a known diuretic.

Coffee Has Dietary Fiber: Fresh brewed coffee contains a significantly higher level of soluble dietary fiber than other beverages commonly drank, which certainly is helpful.

Coffee Gives Real Energy Boost: The actual caffeine in coffee does not have specific nutritional value, it does however demonstrate some medicinal properties. It’s very helpful in keeping the mind and body alert and action ready. In fact, did you know the International Olympic Committee states caffeine is a very powerful ergogenic agent, meaning it promotes the ability of your muscles to work.

Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Reduced By Coffee Consumption: A control study was done using 54 patients with probable Alzheimer’s Disease fulfilling the National Institute of Neurological Communicative Disorders and Stroke showed that caffeine intake was associated with a significantly lower risk for AD which is another plus for drinking your daily java.

Coffee Reduces Risk Of Diabetes: In a study combined with statistical data from many other studies, researchers found that people who were drinking four to six cups of coffee per day had a 28 percent reduced risk of getting Diabetes compared with people who drank two or less cups daily. Also, those who drank more than six cups of coffee daily had a whopping 35 percent risk reduction.


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